Boran Ranch Mitigation Banking


DeSoto County, FL

Mitigation Bank 

In Phase 1 of the project, EarthBalance biologists restored marsh habitat by eliminating exotic vegetation, plugging agricultural drainage ditches, and replanting native cover. A shallow wet prairie habitat was excavated from upland pasture and planted with native seed collected nearby with specialized equipment. Upland habitats were similarly seeded and planted with native trees.

In Phase 2, similar restoration activities were performed although occasional deeper marsh habitats were created and planted within the seeded wet prairie habitat. The Ecosystem Restoration crew performed ongoing maintenance through the establishment period, while EarthBalance biologists performed the monitoring required to meet the rigorous credit release success criteria. 

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Project Location

DeSoto County, FL

Project Manager

Calvin Serviss

Contract Amount

Project Owner

Ecosystem Investment Partners

Need an ecosystem restored, protected, or managed?

EarthBalance restores environments from wetlands to coastlines, customizing our approach to fit the need of every project.

Awards Won

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